Procurement Trainings



HUB/SB Program Policy

Formerly titled DE123 tis course provides an introduction to the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) and Small Business (SB) program at the University of Texas at Austin. A discussion of State and federal regulations regarding both programs.

HUB 101

Provides instructor led introduction to HUB and SB program policy. Allows discussion of history of program policy and discussion of current laws and regulations.  Also allows walk-through of locating HUB vendors and discussion on how CSU can help university to meet its goals for economic inclusion.

HUB 202, HUB Program Policy

This course is intended to provide in-depth a detailed overview of the HUB program, it's history, policy, and role of the HUB Coordinator.  The course outlines obligation of each state agency and IHE to have a detailed HUB Strategic Plan and discusses the university's most recent plan.

HUB 203, Good Faith Effort

Through discussion of the HUB Subcontracting Plan process and best practices, this course is intended to expound on the good faith effort concept and how staff involved in the procurement process can ensure inclusion of diverse businesses in the sourcing and contract management phases of procurement.  

HUB 204, HUB Reporting

This course is designed to familiarize staff involved in the procurement process with a number of diversity spend reports required to be submitted to legislative authorities.  Includes discussion of the monthly HUB reporting process and how reporting data is gathered.

HUB 205-A, Diverse Sourcing Resources

This course is intended to be a workshop to familiarize individuals with the State of Texas Comptroller's Centralized Master Bidder's List (CMBL)/Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Directory search functionality and the UT Austin POINTPlus Search features.  

HUB 205-B, Outreach

This course allows for discussion of several HUB outreach and capacity building efforts including pre-bid/proposal conferences, vendor debriefings, legislatively mandated economic opportunity forums, and the mentor/protégé program.

HUB 205-C, Inreach

Offers discussion on how CSUs might engage with HUB office and diverse supplier community.

Federal Small Business Subcontracting Plans

Provides for discussion of university's efforts to comply with fedearl small business subcontracting rules and regulations related to research contracts on campus. Includes discussion of federal subcontracting plan development, contract compliance monitoring and individual subcontracting reporting (ISR) requirements.

Accounts Payable

Travel Policies and Procedures

Travel Authorizations (VE5)

Travel Authorizations (VE6)

Travel Vouchers (VP5)

Business Contracts

Introduction to Contracting at UT Austin

This curriculum is designed to teach the learner how to effectively contract with external vendors on behalf of the University of Texas at Austin.

Contracts for the Purchase of Goods and Services

This course is designed to introduce learners to the basics of contracting at UT Austin, including when to use a business contract vs a purchase order (PO), how to calculate the total contract value, and when Purchasing approval is necessary.

Developing a Contract

This course is designed to introduce learners to the basics of contracting at UT Austin, including appropriate template selection, how to convert a vendor quote, how to write a good statement of work, and an overview of how to assess risk when contracting.

The Business Contracts Office's Role at UT Austin

This course is designed to introduce learners to the basics of the Business Contract Office's Role at UT Austin, including the differences between contracts and purchase orders, the significance of signature delegation, and the procedure for how to submit a proposed contract for review and signature. For more information about the Business Contract Office (BCO), please see our website here:

The Business Contract Review Checklist (BCRC)

This course is designed to introduce learners to the importance of the Business Contract Review Checklist (BCRC), how to fully and accurately complete it, and how to submit it to our office with its accompanying contract.

Admin Training - eProcurement and Accounts Payable

Admin Training - eProcurement

Admin Training - Contracts 1

  • Admin Training - Contracts 2

    • Admin Training - Contracts 3

ProCard Training Session

Inform and education cardholders and users of the ProCard on all things ProCard related including resources.


Procurement Training Flowcharts