“After-the-Fact PO” Solicitation Method Added to POINT Plus
Procurement and Payment Services has added a new solicitation method to the PO request process in POINT Plus. Per guidance found in Handbook of Business Procedures (HBP) 7.2.D – Noncompliant Purchases, the “After-the-Fact PO” solicitation method should be used in conjunction with the Noncompliant Purchase Form for purchases $15,000 or less.
To process an invoice resulting from an order having not previously been approved through a purchase order or contract, the department shall select “After-the-Fact PO” as the “Solicitation Method” within the “Awarded Vendor” screen in POINT Plus.
The PBO shall include the following statement in the description under line 1 of the purchase order to ensure supplier understands the request is for payment purposes only as an after-the-fact purchase.
“This after-the-fact purchase order is for payment purposes only. Supplier is placed on notice that any future work that is performed without a properly approved University purchase order or contract shall be at the sole risk and expense of the supplier. Note: invoice attached – DO NOT DUPLICATE ORDER.”
Requesting departments shall be responsible for including the approved Noncompliant Purchase Form as part of the PBO (local files) and the VP1 payment document. Requests greater than $15,000 shall include the approved form with the POINT Plus requisition.
Departments intending to use the Noncompliant Purchase Form are welcome to contact the Central Purchasing Office at purchasing@austin.utexas.edu prior to completing the process to ensure the appropriate method of procurement and HUB rules are followed.